Source of theses organic chlorides could be from chemicals used in engine air coolers and cleaning agents used in the dry-cleaning industry.
High pour point fuels for VLSFO can result in an increased demand on the heating requirements for the fuel in the storage tanks, it explains.
Some conventional fuel quality tests have struggled to provide sufficient guidance to ship operators since the introduction of VLSFOs, shares Infineum experts.
Audience at the Manifold Times moderated VLSFO Trends, Issues & Best Practices webinar posed several technical queries to Bharath Kumar and Martin Chew during the session...
Agency has tested a number of MGO fuel samples from Balboa, Panama, which showed Sulphur levels above 0.11%m/m, it states.
‘There is now an increased responsibility on the vessel’s crew for housekeeping and fuel treatment compared to a traditional HSFO,’ says Jeroen de Vos.
Webinar will offer delegates insights on the prevention of operational issues when using VLSFOs, along with an update on biofuels and bunker fuel quality trends for...
Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI, given in Resolution MEPC.324(75) are scheduled to enter into force on 1 April 2022, according to Lloyd’s Register.
Heating VLSFOs to prevent cold flow issues causes issues related to distillate ageing, and there is a gentle balance to be maintained when handling the product.
Research into n-paraffin distribution of VLSFOs has shown that they not only differ from MGO, but significantly differ from each other as well, states bulletin.