DNV GL speaks with Fabian Kock, head of Environmental Certification at DNV GL on study conducted of owners’ experiences with installing and running scrubbers.
Scrubber technology firm explains why 2020 will see a second wave in scrubber orders when shippers seek solutions to the ‘headaches’ of compliant fuel.
Completes previously proposed merger to meet scrubber demands and develop additional products for fuel efficiency.
Captures differentials of compliant and high sulphur fuel; ‘significantly de-risking initial investment’, says CEO.
The Standard Club advises members with ships fitted with scrubbers and calling at the Port of Karachi to take note of the attached circular and comply...
8,267 t dwt mv Donau will be equipped with a small prefabricated, pre-installed, ‘plug and play’ EGCS housed in a 20 ft road transportable casing.
SMART ESM monitors regulated water quality parameters PAH, Turbidity, Temperature and pH, on open-loop, closed-loop and hybrid scrubber systems.