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Winding up

Singapore: Final meeting scheduled for Seatec Services Pte Ltd

Meeting will be held via electronic means on 15 January at 5pm to hear any explanation given by liquidators, according to Government Gazette notice.




RESIZED Jo_Johnston from Pixabay

The final meeting of Singapore-based firm Seatec Services Shipping Pte Ltd has been scheduled to take place on 15 January, according to the company’s liquidators on a notice posted on Friday (15 December) on the Government Gazette.

The meeting will be held at 5pm via electronic means. 

The meetings are being held for the purpose of:

  1. To receive an account from the Liquidators showing the manner in which the winding-up has been conducted and the property of the Company disposed of, and to hear any explanations that may be given by the Liquidators.
  2. To determine by resolution the manner in which the books, accounts and documents of the Company, shall be disposed of.
  3. To consent to release the Liquidators upon the dissolution of the Company and thereby discharge them from the liabilities in respect of any act done or default made by them in the administration of the affairs of the Company.

Note: A member entitled to attend and vote at the Final Meeting is entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and vote in his stead. All proxies should be deposited at the Liquidators’ Office not less than forty-eight hours before the time for holding the meeting or any adjournment thereof. A proxy need not be a member of the Company. Members who have lodged their completed proxy forms will be provided with the instructions for attending the meeting electronically.

Manifold Times previously reported two notices were published in the Government Gazette on 16 November regarding the winding up process of Seatec Services.

Related: Singapore: Seatec Services Pte Ltd undergoes member’s voluntary liquidation

Photo credit: Jo_Johnston from Pixabay
Published: 18 December, 2023

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Winding up

Singapore: Liquidator schedules final meeting for Vanda Marine Services

Final meeting of the company and creditors for Vanda Marine Services Pte Ltd, has been set to take place at 11am on 7 March at 8 Burn Road, Trivex #16-12, Singapore 369977.





RESIZED Jo_Johnston from Pixabay

The final meeting of the company and creditors for Vanda Marine Services Pte Ltd, has been scheduled to take place on 7 March, according to the company’s liquidator on a notice posted on Friday (7 February) on the Government Gazette.

The meeting will be held at 8 Burn Road, Trivex #16-12, Singapore 369977 at 11am. It is being held for the purpose of having an account laid before the meeting showing the manner in which the winding-up has been conducted and the property of the company has been disposed of and hearing any explanation that may be given by the liquidator.

The details of the liquidator are as follows:

Seah Chee Wei
c/o 8 Burn Road
Trivex #16-12
Singapore 369977


1) A member/creditor entitled to attend the above meeting may appoint a proxy to attend in his stead. A proxy need not be a member of the Company. The instrument appointing a proxy must be lodged with the liquidator in the following manner:

  • By email to the Liquidator’s office at [email protected]; and
  • By post to the Liquidator’s office at 8 Burn Road, Trivex #16-12, Singapore 369977 not later than 12.00 p.m. on 6 March 2025 or adjourned meeting at which it is to be used.

2) A corporation which is a member of the Company may, by resolution of its directors, authorise any person to act as its representative at any meeting of the Company, and such representative shall be entitled to exercise the same powers on behalf of the Corporation which he represents as if he had been an individual member of the Company.


Photo credit: Jo_Johnston from Pixabay
Published: 10 February, 2025

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Winding up

Singapore: Final meetings scheduled for Apoda Shipping and related companies

Singapore: Final meeting scheduled for Apoda Shipping and related companies





steve pb from Pixabay

The final meetings of members of Apoda Shipping Pte Ltd and related companies, has been scheduled to take place on 10 March, according to the company’s liquidators on a notice posted on Friday (7 February) on the Government Gazette.

The meetings will be held at 600 North Bridge Road, #05-01 Parkview Square, Singapore 188778 a the following times:

  • Apoda Shipping Pte Ltd (Company Registration No. 202037297W): 9am
  • Cekap Shipping Pte Ltd (Company Registration No. 201726677R): 9.30am 
  • Cergas Shipping Pte Ltd (Company Registration No. 201726683E): 10am
  • Plover Shipping Pte Ltd  (Company Registration No. 201726691R): 10.30am
  • Raggiana Shipping Pte Ltd (Company Registration No. 202037302D) 11am
  • Splendour Shipping (2017) Pte Ltd (Company Registration No. 201725911C) 11.30am

The meetings are being held for the purpose of having an account laid before the members showing the manner in which the winding up has been conducted and the property of the company disposed of and of hearing any explanation that may be given by the liquidators.

The details of the liquidators are as follows:

Victor Goh
Khor Boon Hong
Marie Lee
Joint Liquidators
C/o Baker Tilly
600 North Bridge Road
#05-01 Parkview Square
Singapore 188778

Note: Pursuant to Section 181 of the Companies Act 1967, a member entitled to attend and vote at this meeting is entitled to appoint another person or persons as his/her proxy to attend and vote in his/her stead. Proxies to be used at the meeting must be lodged at the Office of the liquidators not later than 48 hours before the meeting.


Photo credit: steve pb from Pixabay
Published: 10 February, 2025

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Winding up

Singapore: Notices of intended dividend issued for Xihe Holdings subsidiaries

Creditors of the companies will have to submit proof of debt to the liquidators of Xin Chun Shipping, Xin Guang Shipping and Xin Sheng Shipping by 18 February at 5pm by email.





Resized benjamin child

Notices to declare intended dividend of Xihe Holdings Pte Ltd subsidiaries Xin Chun Shipping Pte Ltd, Xin Guang Shipping Pte Ltd and Xin Sheng Shipping Pte Ltd to their creditors have been posted on the Government Gazette on Tuesday (4 February).

According to the notices, the last day for creditors of the companies to submit proof of debt to the liquidators is at 5pm on 18 February by email to [email protected].

The following are the details of the liquidators:

Paresh Tribhovan Jotangia and Ho May Kee
c/o Grant Thornton Singapore Private Limited
8 Marina View
#40-04/05 Asia Square Tower 1
Singapore 018960

Related: JMs: First creditors meeting of Xihe Holdings subsidiaries to be held in January 2021


Photo credit: Benjamin-Child
Published: 5 February, 2025

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