IBIA says there will be four vacancies and these elections are an opportunity for IBIA members to seek election to the board and take part in...
In his role, Mr Loh will champion members’ interests by engaging key stakeholders through various industry working groups and committees to harmonise relations and priorities.
Association emphasised critical need for practicable solutions including a simplified pricing mechanism and fair cost distribution to ensure effective implementation of emissions reduction strategies.
IBIA has noted current inadequacies of CII methodology to appropriately reflect the service of bunker vessels which predominantly operate over short distances (duration) in port areas.
“Within IMO, CIMAC will concentrate on digitalisation, non-shaftline propulsion, automation and system integration,” says Peter Müller-Baum, CIMAC Secretary General.
CII in its current format is inadequate and its one-size-fits approach, has inherent flaws that unfairly punish the shipping industry, particularly the dry bulk sector.
Red Sea crisis that developed in Q4 of 2023 has caused some significant and continuing shifts in both global demand patterns and pricing, says Tahra Sergeant...