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South African Revenue Service issues media statement on detention of bunkering vessels

Detentions of bunker barges done in the normal course of investigating whether provisions of the Customs and Excise Act have been contravened, says SARS.




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The South African Revenue Service (SARS) on Wednesday (20 September) issued a media statement concerning the detention of five vessels involved in the fuel bunkering supply chain:

From 2016 SARS has been engaging with the fuel industry to encourage compliance with the legislation concerning the importation, the trading in and other operational activities of vessels engaged in the supply of fuel.

Alongside these engagements, SARS has also been conducting investigations around compliance in fuel bunkering, and the detention of the vessels mentioned in the media article is part of this on-going investigation.

SARS confirms that several vessels were detained in terms of the Customs and Excise Act, 91 of 1964. This was done in the normal course of investigating whether the provisions of the Act have been contravened. SARS is of the view that the detention is lawful and, as the investigation is ongoing, no decision to seize such vessels has been taken.

SARS Commissioner Mr Edward Kieswetter said “SARS is obliged to administer the law fairly, without fear, favour or prejudice and to conduct investigations in a responsible manner in accordance with a fair procedure. SARS has no interest in jeopardising economic growth nor of contributing to the problem of unemployment, poverty and inequality.”

The Commissioner implored taxpayers and traders to comply with their tax and Customs obligations. He emphasised that SARS will not hesitate to act firmly and robustly to ensure that non-compliance is hard and costly for those that wilfully and intentionally ignore their obligations. The clarion call to all taxpayers and traders is: “comply or face the consequences”.

Related: ENGINE: Algoa Bay bunkering at a standstill as authority detains barges – sources

Photo credit: steve pb from Pixabay
Published: 21 September, 2023

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Singapore: Bunker Partner seeks proprietary injunction against FOMO Pay in USD 20 million account

Application is made on behalf of First Digital Trust Limited with DBS Bank Ltd Singapore, according to to court documents obtained by Manifold Times.





Singapore High Court

A hearing between Bunker Partner DMCC (United Arab Emirates Registration No. DMCC193291) and FOMO Pay Pte Ltd (Singapore UEN No. 201543956D) took place at the High Court of the Republic of Singapore on Tuesday (4 February), learned Manifold Times.

Bunker Partner was applying for the court to grant them a proprietary injunction against FOMO Pay over the sum of USD 20 million (exact: USD 20,353,260.86) in its account, according to court documents obtained by the bunkering publication.

It is seeking to restrain FOMO Pay from disposing of, dissipating or otherwise dealing with the funds.

The application is made on behalf of First Digital Trust Limited with DBS Bank Ltd Singapore.

FOMO Pay is a major payment institution headquartered in Singapore and licensed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore to conduct Cross-border Money Transfer Service, Domestic Money Transfer Service, Digital Payment Token Service and Merchant Acquisition Service.


Photo credit: Manifold Times
Published: 11 February 2025

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Winding up

Singapore: Liquidator schedules final meeting for Vanda Marine Services

Final meeting of the company and creditors for Vanda Marine Services Pte Ltd, has been set to take place at 11am on 7 March at 8 Burn Road, Trivex #16-12, Singapore 369977.





RESIZED Jo_Johnston from Pixabay

The final meeting of the company and creditors for Vanda Marine Services Pte Ltd, has been scheduled to take place on 7 March, according to the company’s liquidator on a notice posted on Friday (7 February) on the Government Gazette.

The meeting will be held at 8 Burn Road, Trivex #16-12, Singapore 369977 at 11am. It is being held for the purpose of having an account laid before the meeting showing the manner in which the winding-up has been conducted and the property of the company has been disposed of and hearing any explanation that may be given by the liquidator.

The details of the liquidator are as follows:

Seah Chee Wei
c/o 8 Burn Road
Trivex #16-12
Singapore 369977


1) A member/creditor entitled to attend the above meeting may appoint a proxy to attend in his stead. A proxy need not be a member of the Company. The instrument appointing a proxy must be lodged with the liquidator in the following manner:

  • By email to the Liquidator’s office at [email protected]; and
  • By post to the Liquidator’s office at 8 Burn Road, Trivex #16-12, Singapore 369977 not later than 12.00 p.m. on 6 March 2025 or adjourned meeting at which it is to be used.

2) A corporation which is a member of the Company may, by resolution of its directors, authorise any person to act as its representative at any meeting of the Company, and such representative shall be entitled to exercise the same powers on behalf of the Corporation which he represents as if he had been an individual member of the Company.


Photo credit: Jo_Johnston from Pixabay
Published: 10 February, 2025

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Winding up

Singapore: Final meetings scheduled for Apoda Shipping and related companies

Singapore: Final meeting scheduled for Apoda Shipping and related companies





steve pb from Pixabay

The final meetings of members of Apoda Shipping Pte Ltd and related companies, has been scheduled to take place on 10 March, according to the company’s liquidators on a notice posted on Friday (7 February) on the Government Gazette.

The meetings will be held at 600 North Bridge Road, #05-01 Parkview Square, Singapore 188778 a the following times:

  • Apoda Shipping Pte Ltd (Company Registration No. 202037297W): 9am
  • Cekap Shipping Pte Ltd (Company Registration No. 201726677R): 9.30am 
  • Cergas Shipping Pte Ltd (Company Registration No. 201726683E): 10am
  • Plover Shipping Pte Ltd  (Company Registration No. 201726691R): 10.30am
  • Raggiana Shipping Pte Ltd (Company Registration No. 202037302D) 11am
  • Splendour Shipping (2017) Pte Ltd (Company Registration No. 201725911C) 11.30am

The meetings are being held for the purpose of having an account laid before the members showing the manner in which the winding up has been conducted and the property of the company disposed of and of hearing any explanation that may be given by the liquidators.

The details of the liquidators are as follows:

Victor Goh
Khor Boon Hong
Marie Lee
Joint Liquidators
C/o Baker Tilly
600 North Bridge Road
#05-01 Parkview Square
Singapore 188778

Note: Pursuant to Section 181 of the Companies Act 1967, a member entitled to attend and vote at this meeting is entitled to appoint another person or persons as his/her proxy to attend and vote in his/her stead. Proxies to be used at the meeting must be lodged at the Office of the liquidators not later than 48 hours before the meeting.


Photo credit: steve pb from Pixabay
Published: 10 February, 2025

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