Vessel Arrest
Malaysia: MMEA detains cargo ship for anchoring illegally in Perak waters
Ship was found to be operated by a captain assisted by 20 crew members from China; crew failed to produce any documents that permission had been obtained to anchor in Malaysian waters.

Vessel Arrest
Tanker falsely flying Guyana flag detained by Venezuelan authorities
Chemical tanker “Four Plus” which was recently detained by Venezuelan authorities for unauthorised entry into State’s waters was falsely flying Guyana flag, says Maritime Administration Department of Guyana.
Vessel Arrest
Malaysia: MMEA detains cargo vessel for illegal anchoring off Sekinchan
Vessel was believed to have been travelling from Singapore to India with 22 male crew members onboard including a captain; all of them were Chinese nationals and aged between 28 and 63.
Port & Regulatory
Turkey: Update on enforcement of misdeclaration of bunkers on board
Turkish Customs recently increasing unexpected inspections onboard vessels calling Turkish ports.
Alternative Fuels1 week ago
PowerCell: Hydrogen fuel cells with methanol reformer tech offers solution to net-zero shipping
Business1 week ago
Singapore: Sea Oil Petroleum enters 2025 with international representatives, expanded team
Legal2 weeks ago
Shell MGO bunker heist: Man sentenced to jail for hindering police investigations
Newbuilding2 weeks ago
Consort Bunkers ‘L’ series newbuildings amongst top 10 ‘innovative achievements’ of Chinese shipbuilders
Bunker Fuel2 weeks ago
IBIA: Dutch authorities to enforce ISO 13739 bunker sampling in Rotterdam by 2026
Biofuel6 days ago
Malaysian biofuels hub to be developed in Johor for storage and export
FuelEU2 weeks ago
Glander International Bunkering launches FuelEU Maritime compliance calculator
Biofuel2 weeks ago
Svitzer opts for bio bunker fuel to power tugs operating in Port of Esbjerg