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Vessel Arrest

Malaysia: MMEA detains cargo ship for anchoring illegally in Perak waters

Ship was found to be operated by a captain assisted by 20 crew members from China; crew failed to produce any documents that permission had been obtained to anchor in Malaysian waters.




Malaysia: MMEA detains cargo ship for anchoring illegally in Perak waters

The Perak state division of Malaysia Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) on Wednesday (13 December) said it detained a cargo ship anchored for anchoring illegally at 46.2 nautical miles northwest of Pangkor Island at 4.30 pm on 12 December. 

State MMEA director Mohd Hambali Ya'akup said the cargo ship was spotted anchored by the Malaysian Maritime patrol boat while it was conducting routine patrol in Perak waters.

During inspection, the cargo ship was found to be operated by a captain assisted by 20 crew members from China, aged between  22 to 49 years old. They failed to produce any documents that permission had been obtained to anchor in Malaysian waters. 

The case will be investigated under Section 491B(1)(L) of the Merchant Shipping Ordinance 1952 for anchoring without permission. If found guilty, individuals may be fined not exceeding MYR 100,000 or face an imprisonment term of not more than two years, or both.

The captain and chief engineer of the ship were brought to the Perak State Maritime Headquarters for further investigations. 

Photo credit: Malaysia Maritime Enforcement Agency
Published: 15 December, 2023

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Vessel Arrest

Tanker falsely flying Guyana flag detained by Venezuelan authorities

Chemical tanker “Four Plus” which was recently detained by Venezuelan authorities for unauthorised entry into State’s waters was falsely flying Guyana flag, says Maritime Administration Department of Guyana.





Tanker falsely flying Guyana flag detained by Venezuelan authorities

The Maritime Administration Department of Guyana on Tuesday (14 January) said chemical tanker Four Plus, bearing IMO No. 9203930, which was recently detained by Venezuelan authorities for unauthorised entry into that State’s waters was falsely flying the Guyana flag. 

The department said the vessel is not registered in Guyana; therefore, it is not authorised to fly the Guyana flag or claim Guyanese nationality.

“MARAD wishes to remind stakeholders and the public that it operates a closed Ships’ Registry and does not offer a flag of convenience,” it said in a social media post. 

It added that recent media reports highlighted the sanctioning of five oil tankers linked to a Syrian conglomerate with ties to Iran and Venezuela by the United States Treasury Department. These vessels also bore false registration documents.

“The issues of fraudulently registered vessels and the operation of a global shadow fleet remain on the radar of the global maritime community,” it added.

“The IMO at the 112th Session of its Legal Committee, scheduled for March this year, is expected to further develop measures to prevent these unlawful practices.”


Photo credit: MarineTraffic / Peter Beentjes
Published: 20 January, 2025

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Vessel Arrest

Malaysia: MMEA detains cargo vessel for illegal anchoring off Sekinchan

Vessel was believed to have been travelling from Singapore to India with 22 male crew members onboard including a captain; all of them were Chinese nationals and aged between 28 and 63.





Malaysia: MMEA detains cargo vessel for illegal anchoring off Sekinchan

Selangor Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) on Wednesday (1 January) detained a cargo ship for anchoring without permission about 26 nautical miles southwest of Sekinchan at 1.40pm on 31 December.

Selangor MMEA director Maritime Captain Abdul Muhaimin Muhammad Salleh said the ship was detected on the Malaysian Maritime Sea Surveillance System (Swasla) in Klang and was detained by a MMEA patrol boat during an operation at Selangor waters. 

The vessel was believed to have been travelling from Singapore to India with 22 male crew members onboard including a captain. 

All crew members were Chinese nationals and aged between 28 and 63, who held valid identification documents. 

Malaysia: MMEA detains cargo vessel for illegal anchoring off Sekinchan

Further investigation found that the ship's captain failed to submit any authorisation document of to anchor in Malaysian waters.

The case is being investigated under Section 491B (1) (l) of the Merchant Shipping Ordinance 1952, which carries a fine of not more than MYR 100,000 or a jail term of not more than two years, or both, for anchoring without permission.

An arrest warrant on the vessel was issued and two crew members have been taken to the Selangor State Maritime Headquarters for further investigation.


Photo credit: Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency
Published: 3 January, 2025

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Port & Regulatory

Turkey: Update on enforcement of misdeclaration of bunkers on board

Turkish Customs recently increasing unexpected inspections onboard vessels calling Turkish ports.





Turkey flag MT

Maritime insurer Japan P&I Club on Monday (23 December) reported Istanbul-based maritime consulting firm Kalimbassieris Maritme A.S (KM) alerting vessels calling at any port in Turkey should ensure that accurate declarations are made regarding the quantity of bunker oil.

The update from KM highlighted an increasing trend of Turkish Customs recently increasing unexpected inspections onboard vessels calling Turkish ports. The authorities were checking the quantities of bunkers onboard, in comparison with the declared ones by the ships’ command at the arrival at the port.

An excerpt from the document is as follows:

Once a bunker discrepancy is established by Customs, for the vessel to be permitted to sail, Authorities will order the confiscation of the excess quantity of the bunkers by physical removal from the vessel’s tanks. Upon service of the confiscation order issued by judicial authorities to the Master and/or agents the physical removal of excess bunkers from vessel’s tanks will be undertaken by the Authorities. 

Considering the complexities of a physical removal of bunkers from the vessel in terms of delays/costs/operation, payment of excess bunkers’ value to the Treasury is the common and preferred method for both vessel’s interests and the authorities. The amount paid to the Treasury serves as ‘collateral’, so that the vessel may be allowed to sail by the Authorities. In most cases, the Authorities initially proceed with obtaining a confiscation order from the relevant criminal court, and upon submission of lawyers’ pleading concerning deposition of collateral instead of confiscation, payment from vessel’s interests is accepted. In practice, the Customs office issues a writ indicating the required fine/security amount to be paid to the designated account upon which payment can be made in order to release the vessel. 

Editor’s note: The 3-page document covering practical implications, legal aspects and considerations can be obtained in its entirety from the link here.

Related: Turkey: Spike in customs officials scrutinising bunker quantities on board
: Gard: Turkey – a case of undeclared bunker fuel


Source: Japan P&I Club
Photo credit: Meriç Dağlı on Unsplash
Published: 24 December 2024

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