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Infineum expands single oil category II solutions for MAN B&W two-stroke engines

Receives Main NOL from MAN ES for Infineum M7095 with Infineum performance booster additive package for two-stroke engines running on low sulphur fuel oil (<0.5% S).




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International fuel additives company Infineum on Wednesday (1 June) said it has received a Main No-objection Letter (NOL) from MAN Energy Solutions (MAN ES) for another newly formulated category II single oil solution - Infineum M7095 with Infineum performance booster additive package for two-stroke engines running on low sulphur fuel oil (<0.5% S).

Infineum M7095, an approved 20BN marine diesel cylinder oil additive package by the major industry OEMs, can now be combined with Infineum’s performance booster additive package to meet 40BN MAN category II lubricant requirements.

The company notes it has completed rigorous field testing, accumulating 3,200 running hours on a vessel operating on VLSFO (<0.5% S) fitted with a 6G60ME-C9.5 engine, in addition to a field test of 1,500 running hours on a vessel running on distillate fuel (DMA <0.1% S) fitted with a 6S35ME-B9.5 engine and a pre-screening test.

These multiple tests validated that Infineum M7095 with Infineum performance booster additive package delivers improved overall cleanliness capabilities versus a 100BN category II (Cat II) cylinder oil for two-stroke Mark 9 engines and higher. 

Its detergent and dispersant capabilities control deposit build-up, which reduce wear rate on pistons and liners, and keep engines working for longer. Higher engine efficiency will lead to reduced downtime and maintenance costs.

Infineum M7095 with Infineum performance booster additive package is an option without the need for bright stock in the formulation to provide customers with more alternatives to suit their supply chain operations.

“MAN Cat II introduction increased the focus on detergency, dispersancy and thermal stability. Our deep formulation understanding and experience in bench, engine screeners and field delivery, have enabled us to deliver strong product performance in this challenging operational environment,” said Louise Renouf, Large Engine Technology Manager, Infineum.

“The achievement of this approval once again proves that we can provide our customers with superior technology solutions. It ensures that customers are well positioned for future, lower carbon fuels and lower base number (BN), leading to lower ash, gives improved cleanliness in an increasingly stringent regulatory world.”

This new additive package will also offer vessel operators greater operational efficiency and supply chain simplicity, reducing the complexity of the operations as it is a single oil solution. The combination also has a comparable piston cleanliness of a 100BN Cat II cylinder oil at the same feed rate but with a lower BN. This helps optimization of lubricant consumption while lowering emissions.

Related: Infineum launches single oil solution for MAN B&W two-stroke engines


Photo credit: Infineum
Published: 2 June, 2022

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Singapore: Bunker spill leads to checks on all fuel pipes at other Police Coast Guard bases

Police said fuel pipes at the other three bases at Loyang, Lim Chu Kang and Gul are also being checked with inspections expected to be wrapped up on 10 February.





RESIZED bunker tanker singapore

The recent oil leak incident at Police Coast Guard (PCG) Brani Regional Base has prompted checks on all fuel pipes at PCG’s three other bases for leaks, according to The Straits Times on Monday (10 February). 

Responding to queries from the local news provider, the police said all fuel pipes at Brani Regional Base were inspected on 6 February while fuel pipes at the other three bases at Loyang, Lim Chu Kang and Gul are also being checked with inspections expected to be wrapped up on 10 February. 

The police also said that a preliminary assessment on the cause of the leak might be due to micro cracks in a damaged fuel pipe as a result of repeated twisting of the pipe due to the movement of the pontoons caused by tidal changes.

On 6 February, Singapore authorities confirmed that a diesel oil leak was discovered at the Brani Regional Base on 5 February, at around 11.40am (Singapore Time). 

According to a joint statement by Singapore Police Force, Maritime and Port Authority (MPA) and National Environment Agency (NEA), about 23 metric tonnes had leaked from a damaged shore fuel hose used to refuel patrol craft at Selat Sengkir. 

The leak was eventually isolated at about 3.40pm and there were no oil slicks observed.

Related: Singapore confirms bunker spill from damaged shore fuel hose at Brani Regional Base


Photo credit: Manifold Times
Published: 11 February, 2025

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NYK conducts first Japan bio bunker fuel trial on coal carrier for domestic power utility firm

Firm said it has started a biofuel test run on Noshiro Maru, operated by Tohoku Electric Power, marking the first time in Japan that a coal carrier has been used to test biofuel for a domestic power utility firm.





NYK conducts first Japan bio bunker fuel trial on coal carrier for domestic power utility firm

Japanese shipping firm NYK on Monday (10 February) said it has started a biofuel test run on its coal carrier Noshiro Maru, which is operated by Tohoku Electric Power on 9 February.

This is the first time in Japan that a coal carrier has been used to test biofuel for a domestic power utility company. Mitsubishi Corporation Energy in the Keihin area facilitated the supply of biofuel for the vessel.

Biofuels are made from organic resources (biomass) of biological origin, such as agricultural residues and waste cooking oil, and are considered to produce virtually zero carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions when combusted.

“Since they can be used in heavy-oil-powered ship engines, which are common on large merchant ships, biofuels are considered a key means of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the transition period from heavy oil to zero-emission fuels,” NYK said. 

“Using biofuel to reduce GHG emissions during sea navigation also contributes to reducing Scope 3 GHG emissions generated by transporting customers’ cargo.”

NYK added it will continue to focus on introducing biofuels and other next-generation fuels, and will contribute to reducing GHG emissions in our customers' supply chains while promoting decarbonisation in marine transport.


Photo credit: NYK
Published: 11 February, 2025

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IBIA welcomes IMO move to draft guidance change on carriage of bio bunker fuels

IBIA welcomed agreement by IMO’s Sub Committee on PPR 12 to draft Interim Guidance on the carriage of blends of biofuels and MARPOL Annex I cargoes by conventional bunker ships.






The International Bunker Industry Association (IBIA) on Monday (10 February) said it submitted a document to IMO on the carriage of biofuels for supply to a ship for use as fuel oil on board that ship in November 2023.

This highlighted that as conventional bunker vessels were limited in carrying fuel oil of no more than 25% biofuel it presented a potential impediment to the global adoption of biofuels as fuel oil for ships and so to the ambition for the decarbonization of international shipping in the short term, as set out in the 2023 IMO GHG Strategy.

“IBIA therefore welcomes the agreement by IMO’s Sub Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response (PPR 12) to draft Interim Guidance on the carriage of blends of biofuels and MARPOL Annex I cargoes by conventional bunker ships,” it said on its website. 

The guidance allows conventional bunker ships certified for carriage of oil fuels under MARPOL Annex I to transport blends of not more than 30% by volume of biofuel, as long as all residues or tank washings are discharged ashore, unless the oil discharge monitoring equipment (ODME) is approved for the biofuel blend(s) being shipped. 

“The Interim Guidance is expected to be approved by IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 83) in April,” IBIA added. 

“IBIA’s membership represents stakeholders from across the global marine fuel value chain, and being able to draw on this technically strong and credible resource will, in its role of having consultative status to the IMO, mean that IBIA will continue to bring important matters to the attention of the wider IMO membership for due consideration.”


Photo credit: International Bunker Industry Association
Published: 11 February, 2025

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