The following article regarding Europe and Africa bunker fuel availability has been provided by online marine fuel procurement platform ENGINE for post on Singapore bunkering publication Manifold Times:
- LSMGO availability good in the ARA hub
- Inbound vessel traffic suspended in Gibraltar
- LSMGO tight in Durban and Richards Bay
Northwest Europe
Prompt LSMGO availability is good in Rotterdam and in the wider ARA hub. Lead times of 2-4 days are recommended for the grade, sources say.
Lead times of 5-7 days are recommended for VLSFO and HSFO.
The ARA’s independently held fuel oil stocks have averaged 14% higher so far this month than across December, according to Insights Global Data.
The region has imported 115,000 b/d of fuel oil so far this month, down from 220,000 b/d imported in December, cargo tracker Vortexa data shows.
The UK has been the biggest fuel import oil source for the ARA hub, accounting for 69% of its total fuel oil imports in January. Denmark (10%) has ranked second, while Poland (9%) is in third position. The other import sources have been Lithuania (7%) and Germany (5%).
Meanwhile, the ARA hub’s independent gasoil inventories — which include diesel and heating oil — have increased by 6% so far this month. The ARA has imported 450,000 b/d of gasoil so far this month, up from 373,000 b/d imported in December.
Off Skaw, recommended lead times are 5-7 days for LSMGO and VLSFO, a trader said. HSFO availability continues to be tight, with only non-prompt deliveries with 7-10 days of lead time available.
Meanwhile, availability is good for all grades in the German port of Hamburg. A trader recommends lead times of 3-5 days for all grades in the port.
In Gibraltar, LSMGO is available with shorter lead times of 4-6 days, a trader said. Lead times of 5-7 days are recommended for HSFO, and 5-6 days for VLSFO.
All inbound vessel traffic was suspended in Gibraltar on Wednesday because of strong gale-force wind gusts of up to 36 knots, port agent MH Bland said. A window of calmer weather on Thursday could allow bunkering to fully resume before conditions deteriorate again on Friday.
Meanwhile, vessels in the anchorage area were still receiving bunkers on Wednesday. Bunker supply was available for vessels in the bay area, MH Bland told ENGINE.
In the nearby Ceuta, bad weather has pushed the earliest date for barge delivery to 21 January, a trader said. Wind gusts of 37 knots also hit Ceuta on Wednesday.
In Huelva, bunkering is expected to remain partially suspended until Saturday due to rough weather conditions, MH Bland said. Currently, bunkering can be carried out via barge at the anchorage area.
Meanwhile, bunkering is progressing smoothly in the Portuguese ports of Lisbon and Sines. VLSFO and LSMGO supply is said to be normal in both ports.
Off Malta, availability is good across all grades. Delays are expected off Malta as some suppliers are working to clear bunker backlogs, a source said. Wind gusts of 21 knots are forecast off Malta on Thursday, which could impact bunkering.
In the Greek port of Piraeus, availability is normal for all grades, a trader said. Rough weather conditions are forecast over the weekend, with wind speeds forecast to touch 32 knots on Saturday.
Delays are also expected in the Turkish port of Istanbul because of congestion and bunker backlogs, a source said. Availability for all grades is good in Istanbul. Wind gusts of 26 knots are forecast in Istanbul over the weekend, which could impact bunkering.
Bunker demand remains strong in several African ports as shipping companies divert their vessels from the Suez Canal region to the Cape of Good.
In the South African ports of Durban and Richards Bay, lead times of 5-7 days are recommended for VLSFO. LSMGO remains tight at both ports, with lead times well over ten days, according to a trader.
The ports of Nacala and Maputo in Mozambique continue to witness high bunker demand, especially from container vessels. No congestion was reported in both ports on Wednesday. However, some sources suggest that bunker buyers should ideally book stems in advance to ensure timely supply.
VLSFO and LSMGO enquiries have been high in Nacala this week. All three grades remain in good supply in Nacala. Similarly, Maputo has good availability for VLSFO and LSMGO. The port is experiencing slight tightness in barge availability, a source told ENGINE.
By Manjula Nair
Photo credit and source: ENGINE
Published: 18 January, 2024